Gus in the USA, Portugal, Melbourne and the Judy!
"Gus" has been invited to screen at the Monstra Animated Film Festival, Lisbon, March 19 - 25, the FirstGlance Film Fest, Hollywood, April 13 – 15, and the Little Big Shots Film Festival, Melbourne, June 9 -13.
Screening times will be posted on the website closer to the events.
Don’t forget, “Gus” will be screening at the Judith Wright Centre, Brisbane, as part of the Flickerfest National Tour program. It will screen Thursday, February 9, 7:30pm.
As part of the media coverage for the Flickerfest National Tour, “Gus” is featured in the current issue of City News (spoiler alert!) and Time Off Magazine (the article was not run last week), this week’s issue of Rave Magazine (published on Thursday) and Thursday’s issue of mX. Be sure to check your streets and newsagents for copies.
Until next time... keep creating!